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Showing posts from December, 2013
The "Set­-Aside" Prayer "Dear God, please set aside everything I think I know [about myself, my disease, the Big Book, the 12 Steps, the Program, the Fellowship, the people in the fellowship, and all spiritual terms, and especially about you God] so I may have an open mind and a new experience [with all these things]. Please help me see the Truth. Amen." I don't remember where that prayer comes from; I found it in a file containing prayers that I had stored on Google Drive. I'll say this: it is one of the most necessary prayers I've prayed in a while and my hat is off to whoever thought it up.

Meditation Books

Cover via Amazon A long time ago I was told that spiritual principles don't conflict. My life experience has shown that to be true. Quite often I read different meditation books and some of them do not contain Bible verses or specific references to Christianity. Instead of talking about Jesus, they tend to stick to a generic 'God' and let you fill in the blanks with whatever your conception of that Higher Power might be. However, while minus some of the theology that I believe in, the principles are generally the same and the wealth of spiritual 'gold nuggets' I can mine from such books is priceless. Such a book is the Twenty-Four Hours A Day book. While perhaps one of the most "religious" meditation books out there in use by many A.A.'s, it still tries to maintain a "one size fits all" structure to its writings. Today's reading (December 11) discusses the difference between many doctors' view of A.A. as group therapy [wh...