Recently, I watched a Saddleback church broadcast in which Rick Warren identified the following problem with Alcoholics Anonymous: people that are sober for many years still identify themselves by their name and that they are alcoholic. According to him, that is still identifying with and living in the problem. Of course, he touted his church's own "Celebrate Recovery" program as being different and first identifying as a follower of Jesus and then mention a problem with Alcohol. I don't know if I would have become and stayed sober had there been a 'Celebrate Recovery' meeting around when I first arrived on the sobriety scene. Actually, I rather doubt it. What Rick Warren fails to understand is the very necessary identification one alcoholic has with another. I needed to hear people that were sober for years identify themselves as alcoholics. I needed to know they were just like me and that drove the point home. I have attended Celebrate Recovery in recent...