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Showing posts from November, 2008

Support Your Alkathons!

The holidays are here - get out there and support your Alkathons!  Look for my upcoming post on Holiday Alkathons and what they have meant to me over the years.  Hopefully, you'll share your thoughts and feelings as well with me and everybody else!

Smoking and the Steps

Back in June, I wrote in this blog about the importance of our "singleness of purpose."  Now I am writing about smoking cigarettes and the twelve steps of recovery.  As a 12 step recovery program member and author of this blog, how do I justify such an apparent contradiction of philosophy?  Easily... there is no contradiction.  IT'S A MATTER OF PERSONAL SOBRIETY VERSUS FELLOWSHIP SOBRIETY. Using the steps has removed many obstacles between myself and God, but those things are best discussed one on one and not in an open forum such as a meeting.  One such issue -- a big one at that -- has been cigarettes.  When I decided to surrender to my nicotine addiction, I knew in my heart I could use the same tools I used to be rid of alcohol one day at a time .  The key was being honest with myself about my cigarette addiction and the unmanageable scenario I created with it, open-minded enough to apply the program's principles to it and willing to go to a...