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Showing posts from February, 2011

Finding the Time...

So often I hear people tell me "I'd love to, but I just don't have the time" or "I wish I could make the time" or "If I have the time..." We've all heard such statements time and time again and they're usually offered as an excuse to decline taking on a commitment. It's certainly not exclusive to 12 step fellowships, I see it in Church and other organizations as well. There always seems to be the few who "have the time" or "make the time" to do what needs to be done. It's interesting that those same people that have no time find enough to critique what everybody else is doing, isn't it? When I was drinking and drugging, I had plenty of time for that, along with work to pay for it and sometimes even other things -if they didn't interfere too badly with my party life. All of a sudden there's no time. Where did it go? I didn't sober up to sit around church basements every night and discuss the ...

Unity, Service & Recovery

It seems that I never cease to feel the effects of AA's three legacies in my life on a daily basis. I hope and pray that I never do. I have been involved in service work of different sorts for the past decade plus and it has enriched my life in ways I could never put into words. I have learned from the many experiences I've had that I can disagree with others and still love them and feel good about myself; I don't need to take it personally when people feel differently about a topic than I do. I never need to feel alone because I am united within a fellowship of people who struggle as I do with not only their disease, but their humanity as well. It keeps the playing level and I need not regard myself as either better or worse than other member. This attitude spills over into my "everyday life." This unity is vital to the continued existence of the fellowship and, therefore, my very life. A key way to ensure the existence of the fellowship through a never end...