Sometimes, it seems like stuff piles up on you and then often will go smoothly for an extended period of time -with little to no worries. I guess that’s just how things are – up and down. How I handle those ups and downs is the subject of this post. Lately, things seem a little scary. I’m sure some of it has to do with buying a house (made the first mortgage payment last night, as a matter of fact). It’s a two-family home and my wife’s daughter lives upstairs with her boyfriend and our grandson (another one is on the way). This arrangement actually means that we should live as cheaply as we did renting an old apartment, even after all expenses are taken into account -- while building equity in a home of our own that will hopefully be passed on to her daughter and family. Sounds good, doesn’t it? It does to us… and yet I can worry about every little thing . My wife has some health issues that she needs to address that could cause her to go...
12 Step Sobriety from a Christian perspective...