I recently joined a new home group called the “Stick Together” group. I think it is one of the best decisions I have made in some time. The group shows up everywhere their members are sharing and individuals seem to take an active role in each other’s lives – something I have not witnessed or felt in some time. Tonight I am going to a local detox to support members that bring a commitment there. I find myself drawn to the fellowship that I remember form the early days and seem to be craving lately. I had recently been attending a meeting that felt as though it was slowly dying. Every time I was there, I felt like I aged a few years. I am glad that is over. Whether or not it was me, the group or both (the latter being the likely), I decided to heed my sponsor’s advice and get away from it. Interestingly. the meeting folded right after I announced I would no longer be attending. I guess I am not the only one who thought it wasn...
12 Step Sobriety from a Christian perspective...