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Showing posts from July, 2013

Spirituality in the Modern World [Revisited]

[Republished from an original post in March 2009 to an old blog of mine] Typically, it’s far easier to teach a scared person [or one suffering from their own mistakes] spiritual practices that help ease the pain or fears associated with their condition.   It’s like taking up the practice of “foxhole praying” when times are bad… “Get me out of this and I’ll…” I found an extensive [although undocumented] article on Wikipedia that does a fairly good job at defining spirituality, in terms of what it is and is not.   It’s one of those words that is best defined by what it can do for you rather than what it actually is, much as love is a difficult word to define because of its scope and depth.   Rather than regurgitate what is written there, it might be a good idea to go to and read it. Having been a member of a twelve step fellowship for many years, I have often heard the term bandied about and presented as an absolutely essential part of the rec...