Surrender to God All-Powerful! You will find peace and prosperity. Listen to his teachings and take them to heart. If you return to God and turn from sin, all will go well for you. So get rid of your finest gold, as though it were sand. Let God All-Powerful be your silver and gold, and you will find happiness by worshiping him. God will answer your prayers, and you will keep the promises you made to him. He will do whatever you ask, and life will be bright. -Job 22:21-28 (CEV) Often in 12 step programs one can hear the expression "surrender to win." Generally this is in reference to alcohol or some other drug, but it can be said equally for any affliction a person may encounter. Our very lives in earthly flesh are wrought with afflictions--some self-made and others occur simply because we are human and descendants of fallen Adam and Eve. Although we may think we are surrendering to a disease of addiction, in reality that is not what we are doing. We are saying as indi...
12 Step Sobriety from a Christian perspective...