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Showing posts from 2012

Rough Summer

Lots of time I hear people in the fellowship I belong to trying to put positive spins on every little thing that happens, reminding us to 'always be grateful" and parroting Dr. Paul O's famous paragraph on acceptance -that tells us that all things happen for a reason and nothing is by accident.  While most of the time this advice is well intended and should be heeded, I was also told once by a mentor that we should not go through life with rose-colored glasses on, trying to spin everything in a positive light.  To do so will surely bring some huge disappointment sooner or later and isn't a very realistic way to look at life. Some things suck.  That's just the way it is. When  had recently had a falling out with a family member, things were said and done that were untrue and hurtful.  This person continues to dwell on an unfounded resentment and it's clearly taking its toll on her.  It was a real betrayal on a deep level that hurt me more than anything in ...

Sticking Together

I recently joined  a new home group called the “Stick Together” group.  I think it is one of the best decisions I have made in some time.  The group shows up everywhere their members are sharing and individuals seem to take an active role in each other’s lives – something I have not witnessed or felt in some time. Tonight I am going to a local detox to support members that bring a commitment there.  I find myself drawn to the fellowship that I remember form the early days and seem to be craving lately.  I had recently been attending a meeting that felt as though it was slowly dying.  Every time I was there, I felt like I aged a few years.  I am glad that is over.  Whether or not it was me, the group or both (the latter being the likely), I decided to heed my sponsor’s advice and get away from it.  Interestingly. the meeting folded right after I announced I would no longer be attending.  I guess I am not the only one who thought it wasn...

A New Year of Possibilities!

2012 has arrived and with it (I hope and pray) a new attitude on my part and perhaps my wife's, as well.  I have resolved to surrender to my compulsive over-eating (which is ushering me toward insulin), get in better physical shape and get active in a Bible-based Church.  It has been a while since I have had a regular place of worship and I know it would do me a lot of good by bringing me closer to the Lord. Romans 8:28 King James Version (KJV)   28 And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.