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The Golden Rule

The healing of Tobit - by Bernardo Strozzi.
The healing of Tobit - by Bernardo Strozzi. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Never do to anyone else anything that you would not want someone to do to you. -Tobit 4:15a (GNT Apocrypha)

That is obviously a converse statement of the "Golden Rule' taught by Jesus: “Do for others what you want them to do for you: this is the meaning of the Law of Moses and of the teachings of the prophets. -Matthew 7:12 (GNT)  When I read it last night, it gave me pause to stop and think about people in my life that I sometimes struggle with. Some I know, but many I don't. They could be the 'other driver' on the road who is in my way when I am in a hurry to get somewhere.

You can tell how well a tree has been cared for by the fruit it bears, and you can tell a person's feelings by the way he expresses himself. -Sirach 27:6 (GNT Apocrypha)

As a Christian, claiming a relationship with Christ requires a but more than a few mumbled words on a Sunday morning. I believe I was saved the moment I asked Jesus into my heart as my Lord and Savior, but much more is required of me to improve my personal relationship with Him on a daily basis. When I strive for that, my happiness is increased in a big way. When I asked my wife into my life as my partner, it certainly didn't end there. It has been a process of compromise, self-examination and sometimes tolerance--on both our parts. It means there are times when I realize I have treated her by thought, word or deed in some manner that would hurt if someone did the same to me. When that happens, I am compelled as both a Christian and a recovering person to make immediate acknowledgment and amends for it. Keeping my side of the street clean is of paramount importance in maintaining my spiritual condition.

~The Third Step Prayer~

God, I offer myself to Thee- 
To build with me 
and to do with me as Thou wilt. 
Relieve me of the bondage of self, 
that I may better do Thy will. 
Take away my difficulties, 
that victory over them may bear witness 
to those I would help of Thy Power, 
Thy Love, and Thy Way of life. 
May I do Thy will always!

[Note: Recently, I have taken an interest in the Apocrypha and have begun by reading the Book of Tobit. For my brothers and sisters who don't know what that means: they are books that are included in some Bibles, but usually left out of mainstream Protestant and Evangelical Bibles--because they are not considered by many to be the inspired Word of God. While there is much evidence to support that point of view, they make for interesting reading, contain much that is good and worthy of consideration and fill in some of the historical gaps between the Old and New Testaments. I have read a lot of books that are certainly not the inspired Word of God, but have done me good over the years, broadening my perspective and often helping me walk more closely with God.]

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