So I just got around to checking out the digital version of the Grapevine magazine. I have been a subscriber to the audio edition for some time now and the printed edition over the years, as well.
After checking it out, I emailed customer service with one important question: can I download the issues to my laptop’s hard drive for offline reading or do I have to view it solely on the Web? I subscribe to PC World magazine and also get a couple of digital newspapers – in each case I can download them to the machine I wish to read them on for offline use. One newspaper even allowed me the option of downloading it to my Kindle. I saw no such choice with the Grapevine and am hoping that’s just a feature I don’t see because I haven’t opted for the actual subscription yet. I’ll let you know what the answer is when my query is satisfied.
By the way, even if the answer turns out to be the “no” I suspect it will be, I will continue to get the audio version of the Grapevine. For 20 bucks a year, you can’t beat the content it provides and the value for the time they must put into producing it on top of the work that goes into the printed version.