And let us not neglect our meeting together, as some people do, but encourage one another, especially now that the day of his return is drawing near. -Hebrews 10:25 (NLT) One of the best things I ever did after joining the fellowship was to commit to a home group. I often hear people say they belong to "the best group in the fellowship" or something similar -- I guess it's great that they feel that way. In fact, I think that we should always feel that way. Join a home group right away. You're not getting married. If the group doesn't work out for you, then find another. In most places, there's more than enough to choose from. For where two or three gather together as my followers, I am there among them.” -Matthew 18:20 (NLT) A home group is the place where (after a while) we get to know each other very well and can tell with something is wrong or we're feeling a little off. It is the best place to start with a service commitment. Do you reme...
Many years ago I attended a twelve step convention in Rhode Island where I heard the keynote speaker that year refer to something called the 'God Box.' This was the place within herself that she tried to put all sorts of things to quell the hunger for something (anything) she had her throughout her life. Sometimes it would be cars, money, sex or anything else that was both quick but temporary at the same time. Eventually, after heartache upon heartache, she came to the conclusion that the only thing that fit in that box was God . It took much time and experience with emptiness for her to get there. She then said that she had no regrets for the things she did and the painful life she had to live to get to the place where she was at. It was that worth it . Have you ever tried on a pair of shoes that was too large for your feet and then walked around in them for a while? What happens is that they rub against your foot and eventually make you very uncomfortable as you contend wit...